Good Day Sunshine
A good day all around. The Patriots won, thanks to a second-half revival and a 2-point safety. The Sox won, thanks to the cureall of good pitching, good hitting and good defense. My Indians beat the White Sox, Wild Card competition.
We managed to salvage the series versus the Royals. Thank God for that. Tavarez pitched well, and our bullpen didn't allow any runs. Ortiz blasted his 48th and our offense combined for 13 total hits. This was a fun game to watch. Even if we aren't headed for the postseason. It makes it less nerveracking. It's just plain fun.
We managed to salvage the series versus the Royals. Thank God for that. Tavarez pitched well, and our bullpen didn't allow any runs. Ortiz blasted his 48th and our offense combined for 13 total hits. This was a fun game to watch. Even if we aren't headed for the postseason. It makes it less nerveracking. It's just plain fun.
At 9:36 PM,
KAYLEE said…
i loved that patrioots wim:)
At 9:37 PM,
KAYLEE said…
see my post.:)
At 10:40 AM,
Michael Leggett said…
Great Day, Sunshine:
Today, Always Remember;
NEVER Forget 09/11;
At 11:13 AM,
Peter N said…
And Julie, you used a Beatles song for your title. And what a wonderful Paul McCartney song it is.
At 11:14 AM,
Peter N said…
And yes Michael. I'm headed to your place now on my daily rounds.
At 6:53 PM,
KAYLEE said…
hey julie,
thanks for the comments
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At 2:36 AM,
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