Scarlet Fever

A teenage girl's perspective on the Red Sox and everything else.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Sitting here at my computer, back in my room again, and somehow I have nothing to type. The Sox are only mediocre right now, and would be even worse if not for several walkoff wins. I know we will get hot again, but only if our bench players can pull through. We have a great bench, thank God, because we seem to be losing a starter a day.
I can't really say much about my vacation either, because everything I can say would be an understatement. My lake house and the people there are absolutely amazing. The lake itself is beautiful. Sunsets over the lake, especially wakeboarding at sunset... oh my God. Just breathtaking. And my friends there... I won't even try and explain the bond we have. It's not something that can be expressed in words. My love for them is enormous.
So while I'm glad to be back with my Internet and my Sox, my heart still aches for the lake. I plan to go back with my brother next weekend to see everyone, and again for Labor Day. So I'm sorry if this post doesn't make much sense, or have much to do with baseball. I'm kind of living in memories right now.
Thanks to everyone who left comments at my last post, mostly Peter and Kaylee. That was awesome. And Kaylee, I'm sure you had an amazing time at Fenway. That was a great series, because we had two walkoff wins and you got to see GRADYSIZEMORE! I can't wait for any pictures you have! You can email them to me or post them on your blog, whichever you want.


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