There Goes Another One
Trot Nixon epitomizes the soul of Red Sox Nation; he forever will. Even though he signed a one-year deal with the Indians (my second-favorite team; could have been way worse), he will always be a Red Sox. With that dirt dog mentality and gritty attitude, he was a leader of the team for twelve wonderful years. And although his departure hurts, I will always remember him as he was, a Sox for life.
JD Drew had better be good.
JD Drew had better be good.
At 1:46 AM,
Michael Leggett said…
It's Life, but there will be tears, Julie:
They're ripping apart those Idiots of Ours; & read the 3rd Essay from the top. I think that you'll get a good laugh out of it;
Pax Vobiscum;
At 12:54 PM,
Peter N said…
Well said Julie! I hope school is going great, and you are too! Peter
At 11:05 AM,
KAYLEE said…
i am sad about it too but if he had to go another team I couldnt be happier that he is on the Indians:)Ii loove that team mainly cause of Grady but now that TROT is on there I love em even more and yes he will always be(thought of) as a sox player:)
At 11:53 AM,
Peter N said…
And wow! When Trot has his homecoming!!!! Cleveland AT Boston, coming soon to a theater near you!
At 1:53 PM,
Julie said…
i want tickets to some sox-tribe games sooo bad!! i would get to see grady, travis hafner, foulke, trot.. that would be amazing!
At 2:51 PM,
KAYLEE said…
me too:) but for now I cant wait for the pats game:)
At 6:03 PM,
KAYLEE said…
thanks I like my "new" boy better too.I am very happy with him good thing I didnt put any money on this saints-bears game cause I would of lost I have it all on the pats game=]
At 10:24 PM,
KAYLEE said…
they tried and came up a litle short great game though.
At 9:58 PM,
KAYLEE said…
I hate broken bones!!!!!
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