How Sweet It Is
It feels so good to win. I'd almost forgotten. A sense of relief, of satisfaction. Finally. We found a Band-Aid. We stopped the bleeding.
Lester's pitching was okay. Not terrible, not good. An improvement from his last start, but he's still using up way too many pitches, and as Don and Remy mentioned last night, he seems to have lost the ability to get out of every jam unscathed. But after we gave him a lead, he kept it, so he pitched effectively enough to win.
Big Papi and Little Papi both blasted two-run shots, getting the game off to a good start, and Coco Crisp hit an RBI single. That proved to be all the runs we got, and that proved to be enough. Though all our competition won too, I was happy, and I got to go to bed satisfied for the first time since last Wednesday.
Lester's pitching was okay. Not terrible, not good. An improvement from his last start, but he's still using up way too many pitches, and as Don and Remy mentioned last night, he seems to have lost the ability to get out of every jam unscathed. But after we gave him a lead, he kept it, so he pitched effectively enough to win.
Big Papi and Little Papi both blasted two-run shots, getting the game off to a good start, and Coco Crisp hit an RBI single. That proved to be all the runs we got, and that proved to be enough. Though all our competition won too, I was happy, and I got to go to bed satisfied for the first time since last Wednesday.
At 10:28 AM,
Peter N said…
Me too! But there were a few nervous moments, but what would Red Sox baseball be without 'em?
At 11:33 AM,
Michael Leggett said…
One streak is broken:
May a positive one begin.
At 11:35 AM,
Michael Leggett said…
BTW All:
My latest article is on Fenway Nation
At 12:05 PM,
Peter N said…
And a good article it is..
At 9:22 PM,
KAYLEE said…
Hey julie,
I guess that win excited you just as much as it excited me.haha.It was well worth staying up til 12pm to see haha.i screamed so loud i prolly wokie up my neighbors.
At 9:52 PM,
KAYLEE said…
okay who is little papi?????????????sorry slow at nicknames
At 12:37 AM,
Julie said…
kaylee little papi is wily mo.
At 9:45 AM,
Peter N said…
Julie, get over to my blog and vote for me. And ya know what?? Add that voting thing to your blog. I'll explain how, but if I figured it out by myself, you'll hae NO problem. I'll email this to you too.
At 9:46 AM,
Peter N said…
U too K
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At 2:59 PM,
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في هذه الفترة يوجد الكثير من الشركات التي تعمل في مجال التنظيف لذلك نجد أن الكثير من العملاء الكرام يشعرون بالحيرة عند اختيار الشركة التي لابد من الاعتماد عليها، ولكن يجب أن يتم اختيار الشركة التي تمتلك الخبرة والكفاءة في هذا العمل لكي يتم تجنب أضرار العمل مع شركة غير كفء، وللعلم أن شركة تنظيف بالقطيف تمتلك خبرة الكثير من السنوات في هذا المجال فهي ليست حديثة العمل في مجال الخدمات المنزلية بل أنها تعمل فيه من أكثر من 10 سنوات لذلك نحن شركة تنظيف منازل بالقطيف اختيارك الأفضل دائماً في أي زمان وفي مكان.
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